Sunday 8 June 2014

Uhm hi :$

Hey Guys

So.. It has been a while hasn't it. I've been so busy lately and never really had something I wanted to talk about. But now my summer holiday is almost starting and I want to get active again on this blog :)

I still want to do beauty and fashion related stuff on here, but I would also like to try some new things. Lately I've been trying to eat healthy. I rarely eat dairy anymore and I am trying to eat gluten free as much as I can. I would like to share a bit more on this topic and maybe even throw some recipes on here. (I really like the recipes by missglamorazzi and tanyaburr).

Also what I really want to do is have more interaction with my readers (eventhough that's only like 2 people). That means that I would love to hear what you would want me to talk about (maybe even make youtube videos somewhere in the future).

Basically this blog is just going to be more personal, talking about my life and the things I love. It will be a combo of what is has been so far and stories of my day to day life.

So make sure to comment down below and let's be friends :)

kisses and hugs,


Monday 24 February 2014

Review: Shimmer cubes palette 24 (Lily Cole)

Hey Guys

Soo... I definetely failed that last new years resolution, but the rest is going pretty well. And right now I have a few blogpost ideas lined up! A few weeks ago me and my friend went on a shopping trip and we went into the bodyshop, where they had an amazing sale. One of the things I found were the shimmer cubes from the Lily Cole line (palette 24). It was reduced from €22.- to €6.60! so here is a quick review.

The packaging is like all the regular shimmer cubes, but with a pink logo on it. When you take of the lid all the cubes have a seperate lid. I keep these on cause I move around a lot and the top lid isnt actually secure. But I guess you could take them off for easier use if you always keep your make-up in the same place.

The texture of the eye shadow is pretty powdery. They are highly pigmented and blend great. I love using the left 3 colours together to create a smokey eye. Here I show one way I like to use the shimmer cubes in an everyday look

 Have you ever tried the shimmer cubes? What was your experience? let me know in the comments below.

Hugs and Kisses!