Wednesday 16 October 2013

My collections

Hello guys!

In the last year I have started collecting quite a few things. I don’t really know why, but I like the idea of having a ever growing collection. Today I’d like to share these things with you.

1, 2 and 5 eurocents.

This might sound very random, but I collect coins. Basically all the coins I collect are copper, so that are the 1, 2 and 5 eurocent coins. Right now I keep them is this cute jar combo (which I made), but hopefully I’ll have enough to fill a large vase someday.

John Green books

This isn’t really a collection, I just really like all John Green books. I have all of them except ‘Let it Snow’ and with all these books I pretty much cried from the first until the last page. Definitely recommending them!

Snow Globes

This is a collection I started last year, when me and my friends went on holiday to Rome. I buy a snow globe everywhere I go on holiday (and sometimes just if I find a pretty one). Right now my collection consist of:

-       The Colosseum, which I obviously bought in Rome
-       The Colossus of Rhodes, I never actually went to Rhodes, but one of my bestfriends bought this for me as a souvenir.
-       Pictures of my friends, which they gave me for my birthday.
-       A deer, which I bought at Christmas time last year, just because it’s so pretty and Christmas is my favourite time of the year.
-       Fuerteventura, this year me and my friends went on holiday to Fuerteventura.


I’ve always liked older music, because my  parents played it during long car trips and late family evenings. Recently I bought this adorable record player and a few records. 

I don’t have that many yet, but I like the endless roaming through boxes filled with second hand records. The second hand bargains I got my hands on are: ‘Grease: the original soundtrack’, ‘Michael Jackson: Thriller’, ‘Simon and Garfunkel’s greatest hits’, ‘A-ha: Hunting high and low’, ‘The legend of Tina Turner’ and ‘Saturday night fever: The original movie sound track’.

I also have some brand new ones: ‘Nirvana: Unplugged in New York’, ‘Wouter Hamel: Lohengrin’ and ‘Mumford & sons: Babel’. My favourite out of all my records is definitely the one from Nirvana. As you can probably see my taste is kind of all over the place.

Those were all my current collections. Do you collect anything? Do you have a request blog post? Or do you just want to share your opinion? Leave a comment!

Hugs and kisses


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